I spent four days hiking on the [Foothills Trail]() with some frihttp://www.foothillstrail.org/ends.  We started at the southern terminus and headed up to Whitewater Falls.  Overall, the trip was good.  I enjoyed the trail and the time out in the woods.

The bad part...  Total boot failure with a pair of Vasque boots I had been wearing for about a year.  They just wouldn't let any moisture out and my feet started to break down.  I ended up with two terrible blisters, which is something that rarely happens to me.  I've done a lot of walking, between the military and backpacking, and followed normal practice like changing socks and airing my feet.  But no-go...

I ended up walking the last day in my Vibram FiveFingers.  If I hadn't had my FiveFinger with me, I'd have been in real trouble.

So, I'm thinking when I go back to finish the northern part of the Foothills Trail, I may do it all in my FiveFingers.